Freddie, 22, student, Hastings How did you know about abob? I’d met an abob man, John Darling before. I was in the care system, I had foster carers and he’d been working with me before. He contacted my social worker and we took it from there. I went along to an open meeting in Hastings which was pre-Covid. We … Read More
Jordan, 23, tree surgeon trainee, Bristol How did you know about abob? I found out about them through JourneyMan – a rite of passage charity for boys – because I went to them when I was 15 and needed support. Being part of JourneyMan helped me make friends, keep them and trust men and abob carried that on. I used … Read More
Alex, 21, Bristol How did you know about abob? I asked the charity 16/25 who could support me with my mental health. They suggested abob. So I met them and Hugh became my support worker. It was Covid time and there were no weekends running, so he was able to meet up with me as a pre-Quest mentor. I was … Read More
Spencer, 26, Brighton abob, chef How did you know about abob? I found abob through a family friend of my mother’s. I’d been stuck in a pattern of drinking for 7 or so years due to trying to manage very high functioning anxiety and the general state of myself and my current life. I had no aspiring male role … Read More
Joe, 21, scaffolder, Bristol. How did you get to know about abob? I used to do workshops in schools with Marcus who is one of the older men in Bristol abob, and also a youth worker. I’m a drummer so we used to give these drumming workshops for school students. We got on really well and they were very … Read More
Jamie Bland
Jamie Bland, 25, services skis and snowboards during winter, and soon to be starting as a strengths-based coach, Cornwall How did you know about abandofbrothers? I was recommended to come to a group one evening by a friend. In fact he was my sister’s ex. I had no idea what I was coming to but knew it was what I … Read More
Shaun Shufflebottom
Shaun Shufflebottom, 25, Leamington Spa abob How did you find out about abob? I was given a flier by a mental health team member. I think they made the initial call for me. I just thought that abob were a mentoring service. Out of that, I met John Moore – who actually is my mentor at the moment, am … Read More
George, 23, Falmouth, unemployed How did you hear about abob? Through Wild Parenting – this is a supportive group specifically for younger adults having children that may be vulnerable and in need. Someone there recommended abob to me because they realised that I needed a bit more support in my life. So you haven’t been able to go … Read More