27th and 28th of August 2022, Brighton
In abandofbrothers we pride ourselves on the soulful depth of the work we do. To bring poetry, meaning and purpose to our lives and the lives of young men is an achievement in these ‘me’ obsessed times.
To keep this deepening work on track, we need teachers and elders willing to risk not going along with popular trends and fashions. We need people willing to make a stand for beauty, truth, honesty, integrity and elderhood in these troubled times. We are very fortunate to have one such man alive and kicking, Stephen Jenkinson. Stephen has informed and guided our work from afar with his teachings and wondering.
We are proud to present Stephen and his band to Brighton for ‘Nights of Grief and Mystery’. This evening will be a ceremony in which you will be both a witness and a participant, sitting with friends, acquaintances, family and fellow citizens to be carefully brushed with words and music that invocate, intoxicates, explicates and celebrates being alive. It invites and implores you to live life as deeply as you dare because you know it will not last.
If you have a longing for something meaningful and soul-filled, don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to be in the presence of a genuine master of ceremony.
Stephen with Gregory Hoskins by his side and their magical band of players will be in Brighton on the 27th and 28th of August at the St Augustine’s centre in Brighton.
Tickets are now available using the Eventbrite links below
AUGUST 27, AUGUST 28, Brighton
St Augustines Arts & Events Centre, Junction of Stanford Avenue & Florence Road, Brighton, BN1 6EA
Facebook Event Page: AUG 27 https://fb.me/e/2yVvw6vpR AUG 28 https://fb.me/e/3semSI9Tv
Eventbrite: Saturday AUG 27 https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/364052680367 or Sunday AUG 28 https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/364053011357
Host: Mark Nightingale mark.nightingale@abandofbrothers.org.uk