Simon Ashbell
Simon Ashbell, Leamington Circle
I work mainly in the outdoors with young people, children and adults mainly concerned with nature connection. I’ve been in Leamington for about five years and I did my Beyond The Hero training two years ago.
What is your motivation for being a part of A Band of Brothers in Leamington?
What drew me to ABOB? I guess a slow awakening that was rapidly sped up by the death of my father. I went on my Beyond The Hero weekend and it resonated to my very core and, not only that, it opened up the world of the written word and the spoken word in a way that I have never really experienced before. That coupled with the real connection that was filled with authenticity really deepened the process and it made me realise that there’s a huge need basically that is lacking historically from the culture that I grew up in.
I have a young son and a daughter. I want to fill my potential so that I can help them fill theirs. I want real mentorship to be present in my life, in the lives of my children and in the lives of every young man that doesn’t have those role models that society seems to deny us.