Sponsored Bungee Jump! On Sunday 24 May ABoB Manchester will be holding a community day at Wythenshawe Amateurs F.C. featuring a sponsored bungee jump. We already have over 60 participants signed up to jump all raising money on behalf of our charity, but we need more and we need your help!!! If you want to get involved and take the jump, then get in touch and start raising money now…
Contact manchester@abandofbrothers.org.uk. Only £20 deposit books your jump!! Go ahead throw yourself in – raise £120 for ABoB and jump for free … full family day out with food, drinks, bouncy castle, BBQ, live music, DJ, and other games and raffles for the kids and much much more… have you got what it takes to make a difference??
Your community needs you now, so if you’re a man or a woman who’s ready to make a difference then get in touch and throw yourself in headfirst!