We are delighted to have a double page spread this month in Oxfordshire’s Ox Magazine. Particular thanks to Berny Auton for sharing so eloquently what we stand for. The full article can be read here.
The Leamington Quest – Oct 2019 to Jan 2020
Participants of the Quest began their journey on the residential and have been supported by attending weekly community ‘circles’ and meetings with a chosen mentor. The experience is powerful and not always easy for these men, who sometimes have never had a support network of positive male role models in their lives. Often the difficulties they face are complex and … Read More
Park Run Litter Pick
In January a number of Abob Leamington men supported the Leamington Parkrun event at Newbold Comyn by taking part in a litter pick around the running routes. Attendees of Leamington Parkrun have towards the running of Quest programmes in 2019 and we are proud to be maintaining this link with the community!
Funding News
Even with all the volunteer support, it costs us about £10k to run a Quest programme. We are continually looking for financial support, which comes from a variety of sources. Here are some of the recent success stories. Continued support by Warwickshire Crimebeat Warwickshire Crimebeat have committed £4,000 in their continued support of Abob Leamington. Crimebeat is a charity which … Read More
abandofbrothers ‘Homecoming’ featured in the Cornishman
We’re delighted that our recent Homecoming has been featured in the Cornishman newspaper. Congratulations again to all our Graduates for your courage and how well you represented both yourselves and our community!
Bristol’s first ‘Quest for Community’ weekend
After much preparation, training and planning, we have successfully completed our first “Quest for Community” Rites of Passage weekend and welcomed our first cohort of young men into the Bristol circle! We now embark on a 12 week Quest cycle to embed the great work undertaken on this weekend into daily life.
A successful ‘Beyond the Hero’ for Manchester Men
We are delighted to welcome the new men into our Community and keep building the momentum for ABoB Manchester! Particular thanks to Will Barton for his work on engagment, as we continue to draw together a potent circle of men that is committed to holding and supporting young men in need of positive role models.
Silvia Siret shaves her head for abandofbrothers!
Silvia Siret is the partner of abob Oxford’s Ewan Siret. On May 20th 2018, she courageously and publicly had her long beautiful blonde hair shaved off