The Cornishman reports on abob Cornwall.
Silvia Siret shaves her head for abandofbrothers!
Silvia Siret is the partner of abob Oxford’s Ewan Siret. On May 20th 2018, she courageously and publicly had her long beautiful blonde hair shaved off
Richard Hawley talks about how it feels to lose his son as Johnny Connor in Coronation St
Richard Hawley talks about how it feels to lose his son as Johnny Connor in Coronation St, he also talks about abob and how they are promoting healthy masculinity.
Abob's Dan Bridge talks about the loss of his son to the Daily Mirror
Richard Hawley is an actor and a member of abob, he also plays Johnny Connor in Coronation St who has just lost his son to suicide. He knows Dan Bridge lost his son to suicide in real life.]
In the Mirror, Dan Bridge says: “I think it’s great that Coronation St is bringing up the issue.”
Eastbourne Herald: A Band of Brothers: Helping boys with transition to manhood
James Wong, Eastbourne abob’s project leader, explains what abob is all about, as well as mentioning that ‘we have seen an 82 percent reduction in the severity of offending behaviour after the Quest Programme.
Nathan Roberts speaks on "Initiations, The Why Factor – BBC World Service"
This week, Nathan and one of the mentees ‘Dave’ were on The Why Factor (World Service) talking about abob and the role of rites of passage.
Huffington Post Article – A Mentor And A Mentee From Abandofbrothers Talk
Gavin Webster, ex professional rugby professional plus Haringey abob mentor, and mentee Dean O’Brien tell us about the value of mentoring in the Huffington Post.
Telegraph Man Interview Haringey Mentor and Ex Pro Rugby Player, Gavin Webster
Haringey abob mentor and ex pro rugby player, Gavin Webster tells the Telegraph what it’s like to be a mentor as well as how abob support the evolution of male maturity in mentors and mentees.
Mentee, George Ross tells his story to the Easbourne Herald
The Eastbourne Herald (in fact the writer was abob’s Patrick McCurry) charts the trajectory of George Ross, 20, who was convicted for robbery after the death of his father, and the support that abob have given him in terms of different choices in his life. Nick Pharoah was his mentor.
Mentee, Jake Gynn tells his story to the Easbourne Herald
22 year old Jake Gynn tells the Eastbourne Herald how the Quest helped him let go of the deep sadness and guilt he’d been carrying around since he was a child.