James Starnes, 24, Hastings. How did you know about abob? I’d been in Lewes prison and probation told me about abob. To be honest at first, I wasn’t ready for it but eventually I felt like giving a weekend a go. I met James Wong one day, and was off doing The Quest the next. How was the … Read More
David E
David E, 21, handyman, Oxford How did you hear about ABoB? I heard about it from Probation. ABoB men had come to see if anyone was interested in doing their weekend, and my probation officer said it would be a good thing to do. I didn’t know anything about it but I heard you got food for the whole time … Read More
Ash R
Ash, 22, youth centre worker/guitar tech, Eastbourne Circle. How did you find out about ABoB? I used to live at the Foyer, a hostel in Eastbourne. James Wong from ABoB visited last year but it wasn’t the right time for me initially. I’d just had a break up and I felt that I wasn’t in a good enough emotional state. … Read More
Kelain J
Kelain James, 21, musician, Eastbourne How did you know about abob? I was staying at the Foyer, which is supported accommodation and one of the abob men called round to talk to residents. He talked about the Quest which seemed mysterious and that made me want to do it. What stage of your life were you at before you did the … Read More
Ricky H
Need to add featured image of Ricky Ricky, 23, scaffolder, Crawley and now Suffolk How did you know about Abob? I’d been in prison because I was getting into trouble, I was still getting into trouble but I was in a hostel. Abob came into the foyer to pick one of the other young men up and they saw me … Read More
Billy B
Billy, 23, volunteers for constituency offices, Cornwall. How did you know about Abob? I went to Active Plus, which helps people who are unemployed and they told me about abob. I then met up with Thurston and he told me all about their activities. Not that I really had a clue before the rites of passage weekend. Tell me a … Read More
Jake E
Jake, 20 from Brighton, works in house removals How did you know about abob? Through my girlfriend, Lula. Her father, Mark, is in abob. We’ve been together for six years so I’d heard quite a lot about abob. Tell me about your background? I had a hard childhood. Basically, I was put into care when I was 8. I had … Read More
Calum D
Case History Calum Dawson, 24, roof tiler. Oxford Community How did you find out about abob? Through probation office. I’d had a couple of epileptic seizures and couldn’t do my community days and was signed off work, my probation officer recommended doing the abob programme as a substitute for some of my community service. What attracted you to abob? I … Read More
Josh N
Case History Josh, 21, student, Haringey How did you find out about abob? Through my friend, Dean. He told me that abob could help with finding ways of dealing with anger and emotions, so I thought I would give it a go. Tell me about growing up in Haringey. I grew up with two half sisters and a stepfather but … Read More